French Butterflies and a Grasshopper Double-Decker

Kleiner Waldportier - Hipparchia hermione

Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria - Speckled Wood

Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria - Speckled Wood

Kleines Wiesenvögelchen - Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath

Postillon - Colias croceus - Dark Clouded Yellow

Bläuling - Polyommatus icarus - Common Blue

Bläuling - Polyommatus icarus - Common Blue

Mating Grasshoppers

~ by Natalie on October 17, 2010.

2 Responses to “French Butterflies and a Grasshopper Double-Decker”

  1. I believe National Geographic is missing one of its top photographers. You are amazing!

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